5pcs JAYJUN Cosmetic Honey dew mask Hydrating Moisturizing Mask Repair damaged skin Korea Facial mask
  • 5pcs JAYJUN Cosmetic Honey dew mask Hydrating Moisturizing Mask Repair damaged skin Korea Facial mask
  • 5pcs JAYJUN Cosmetic Honey dew mask Hydrating Moisturizing Mask Repair damaged skin Korea Facial mask
  • 5pcs JAYJUN Cosmetic Honey dew mask Hydrating Moisturizing Mask Repair damaged skin Korea Facial mask
  • 5pcs JAYJUN Cosmetic Honey dew mask Hydrating Moisturizing Mask Repair damaged skin Korea Facial mask
  • 5pcs JAYJUN Cosmetic Honey dew mask Hydrating Moisturizing Mask Repair damaged skin Korea Facial mask
  • 5pcs JAYJUN Cosmetic Honey dew mask Hydrating Moisturizing Mask Repair damaged skin Korea Facial mask

5pcs JAYJUN Cosmetic Honey dew mask Hydrating Moisturizing Mask Repair damaged skin Korea Facial mask

6 заказов
651 руб.
  • 5pcs JAYJUN Cosmetic Honey dew mask Hydrating Moisturizing Mask Repair damaged skin Korea Facial mask - Цвет: purple mask
  • 5pcs JAYJUN Cosmetic Honey dew mask Hydrating Moisturizing Mask Repair damaged skin Korea Facial mask - Цвет: red mask
  • 5pcs JAYJUN Cosmetic Honey dew mask Hydrating Moisturizing Mask Repair damaged skin Korea Facial mask - Цвет: green mask


5pcs JAYJUN Cosmetic Honey dew mask Hydrating Moisturizing Mask Repair damaged skin Korea Facial mask


5pcs JAYJUN Cosmetic Honey dew mask Hydrating Moisturizing Mask Repair damaged skin Korea Facial mask

Product Name: Shuiguang Mailu honey red berries mask Suitable for people with dark yellow and lustrous complexionFeatures: add apples, tomatoes, strawberries, cherries Extraction of five natural fruits and vegetables such as grapefruit To inject vitality into dry skin. Brighten the complexion and improve the gloom

5pcs JAYJUN Cosmetic Honey dew mask Hydrating Moisturizing Mask Repair damaged skin Korea Facial mask

Product name: Shuiguang Mailu honey purple plum maskSuitable for the crowd: the skin is dry, relaxed and detailed.Product features: tight wrinkle, desalination of facial details, help the skin regain vitality, natural purple fruit Vegetable condensed essence, deep into the bottom of the skin, Dense repair of layers of skin

5pcs JAYJUN Cosmetic Honey dew mask Hydrating Moisturizing Mask Repair damaged skin Korea Facial mask

Product name: Shuiguang Milu honey green vegetable maskSuitable for the crowd: dry skin exercise, acne muscle groupProduct features: A touch of green mask full of fruit and vegetable extracts, hydrating, dampness and calming repair, promote cell regeneration and other effects, honey moisturizing nourishment, suitable for people who are dry and sensitive to cuticles.

5pcs JAYJUN Cosmetic Honey dew mask Hydrating Moisturizing Mask Repair damaged skin Korea Facial mask
5pcs JAYJUN Cosmetic Honey dew mask Hydrating Moisturizing Mask Repair damaged skin Korea Facial mask


Due to shooting and display reasons, the object may have a slight color difference with the picture.Due to different measurement methods, the product size may have an error of 1-3mm.Shelf life: 3 years (subject to receipt of material)

5pcs JAYJUN Cosmetic Honey dew mask Hydrating Moisturizing Mask Repair damaged skin Korea Facial mask

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Артикул товара: 4000031935545


Brand Name
Wrapped Mask
Whole Face
Country/Region of Manufacture
Anti-Aging / Moisturizing / Whitening / Depth Replenishment
Item Type
Treatment & Mask
Model Number