1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie
  • 1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie
  • 1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie
  • 1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie
  • 1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie
  • 1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie
  • 1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie

1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie

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295 руб.
  • 1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie - Цвет: gold
  • 1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie - Цвет: red
  • 1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie - Цвет: white
  • 1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie - Цвет: blue
  • 1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie - Цвет: green
  • 1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie - Цвет: yellow
  • 1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie - Цвет: titanium
  • 1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie - Цвет: orange
  • 1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie - Цвет: black
  • 1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie - Цвет: Silver
  • 1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie - Цвет: purple
  • 1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie - Цвет: beige


1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie

Product Property
Exhaust pipe wrap is composed of knitted glass fiber or rock fiber, available to bandage any diameter hose or cable, non cohesive, generally to spiral way 30-50% overlap dressing can be, in a bandage don't need remove the hose and cable.It
can also add a little rider comfort by reducing the chance of a serious burn caused if or when a hot exhaust pipe comes in direct contact with the skin.
Wrapping the exhaust system maintains the heat in the exhaust gases, which decreases density, and allows exhaust gases to exit the system quicker! Improved exhaust scavenging is the result, which lowers intake temperatures: that equals more horsepower. exhaust wrap can withstand 1,040° F/560°C continuous temperatures, and 2,000° F /1093°C temperature spikes. Products custom exhaust wrap can be fastened with Thermal-Tie, hose clamps, or wire.
Motorcycle Exhaust Wrap is asbestos-free and made from high-quality fiberglass yarn. Exhaust Wrap is also noncombustible, as well as water- and fungus-resistant. Titanium exhaust wraps are made from is made from lava rock fiber . These kind of wrap can withstand 1600° F /871°C continuous work temperature ,up to 2500° F /1371°C intermittent heat.
Product Application
Fire resisting,flame retardant, heat insulation, insulation, anti-aging, anti splash of molten steel, waterproof, anti oil, anti acid . It is widely used in exhaust system.
Product Details;

1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie

1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie

1 Roll 15m x2"x2mm Car Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Pipe Header Wrap Manifold Fiberglass Insulating+ 10 Cable Tie

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Артикул товара: 32839031147


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